Patient Resources

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Pre-Appointment Paperwork

Pre-Appointment Paperwork

Cosmetic Consultation Questionnaire

Hair Loss Questionnaire

Hair Loss

Patient Portal Login Instructions – Sadio

  1. As a new patient, you should have received an email with the subject line “Email Verification Request from Linnell Dermatology and Aesthetics Office for SADIO Patient Portal.” Please open this email. If you have lost the email in your inbox, please text or call us at 206-539-0675 and request for a new email verification email to be sent to you. 

  1. 2. In the email, please click the link located at the bottom of the message to verify your email for Sadio.

  2. 3. After verifying your email, you will be prompted to create a username and password for the patient portal. 

  3. 4. Once your account is created, you can continue to enter your medical history and sign consents (for new patients) or request for your chart/progress notes and photos to be uploaded for patient viewing. If you’d like your chart/progress notes to be published for viewing, please contact us at 206-539-0675 and we will make these available on Sadio. 

Telehealth Set-up Instructions – Spruce

Telehealth Set-up Instructions – Spruce

1.     Please click the invitation link sent to your phone number

“Linnell Dermatology And Aesthetics has invited you to use Spruce for secure messaging. To accept your invite, visit (please click this link)”

2.  You will be redirected to the internet – please press “connect”

3.     Download Spruce app onto your phone & open application

4.     Once Spruce application opens, press “Allow Spruce to Paste” and “Continue”

5.     Set-up spruce account by entering in your personal information

6.     Enter verification code to verify account

7.     Enter your personal information – name, DOB, gender

8.     Set-up account by entering an email and creating a password.

9.     You will be called by the provider during your scheduled telehealth visit!