Telehealth Set-up Instructions – Spruce
Telehealth Set-up Instructions – Spruce
1. Please click the invitation link sent to your phone number
“Linnell Dermatology And Aesthetics has invited you to use Spruce for secure messaging. To accept your invite, visit (please click this link)”
2. You will be redirected to the internet – please press “connect”
3. Download Spruce app onto your phone & open application
4. Once Spruce application opens, press “Allow Spruce to Paste” and “Continue”
5. Set-up spruce account by entering in your personal information
6. Enter verification code to verify account
7. Enter your personal information – name, DOB, gender
8. Set-up account by entering an email and creating a password.
9. You will be called by the provider during your scheduled telehealth visit!